The audiovisual world enables audiences to dream. Thanks in particular to the popularisation and large number of films and series released for the small and big screens. Some are packed with special effects in order to offer a spectacular experience for audiences, while others are more intimate. It is clear that today’s audiovisual is very different from yesterday’s.
How can we define audiovisual ?
Audiovisual is a vast sector that is closely linked to the history of the cinema. To begin with, a camera in hand was all that was needed to create a film. Today, post-production editing and special effects have considerably extended the timeframes involved with creating audiovisual content for the cinema or television. So, IT has also been added to the equation.
Note: we also use audiovisual to refer to educational pieces and certain purely artistic productions.
Audiovisual-related careers
Today, audiovisual encompasses a wide range of professions in various key categories:
- Artistic careers ;
- Editing careers ;
- Technical careers ;
- Administrative and management careers.
Not to mention the French Audiovisual Council (CSA), which is responsible for controlling activities and programmes in this specific sector.
Our schools in this field